Monday, February 1, 2010

Time Off Work With Chest Infection Is This The Start Off A Chest Infection?

Is this the start off a chest infection? - time off work with chest infection

I had a cough for some time, I have a slight cold and cough, every time my throat and chest pain. If I quite breathless, I'm always amazed at the time of pneumonia, but not sure whether I should go to the doctor or not!


Maz said...

More u have it even worse.

lifes a mystery to me said...

Hello, you're coughing of phlegm all, I chest infections, and usually starts with your symptoms, then I feel my lungs with fluid and a cough with green sputum, which interfere with breathing and more I am filled completely exhausted, I ' ve just a bad chest infection, was the most common antibiotics and steroids.
I suggest you go see your doctor best be done before that are organized in groups, with the swine flu at its best to get reviewed in, take a look on the bright side of things it could be a cold day hope you feel better soon.

PHIL P said...

Yes, it sounds like it.

Paul H said...

It seems that your way out .. a coffin

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