Saturday, February 13, 2010

What Should I Get My Dog For His Birthday What Type Of Dog Should I Get My Boyfriend For His Birthday?

What type of dog should I get my boyfriend for his birthday? - what should i get my dog for his birthday

He has been hinting like crazy that he wants a dog but never said what art he is very athletic and wants a dog that can hold him, he has free time now that he in-residence for the dog get too much attention . Suggestions?


mistersa... said...

Get a mutt from a shelter. They are healthier than purebred dogs in general, and you could save your life!

I took a half-breed female dog 7 years ago (boxer / lab mix, we think). Took a little effort to train him (he had to be on the road have been enough to protect their food), but it was worth it. It is a dog now, very good, sweet and affectionate, active and enjoyable. (Added bonus - that's not cost anything, even compared to a pedigree dog!)

misstika... said...

They have committed to a pure-bred book. They are nice and big, but they are hybrids and are much cheaper to live longer. From sporting Id be sure of a working dog. I have a GSD / mix dog running, I will go, use, etc. .. Labs and Retrievers are also good .. Choose a dog that fits your personality. Sometimes we buy dogs just because of its monkeys, and forget that they have personalities and sometimes causes you and your dog shock both want different things ...

elaine p said...

no evidence that the book tells you what kind of pet you should have. I forget the name, but I found the perfect pet he wanted. I was loving on the lookout for a dog to swim.

marquise... said...

Keep not going to buy one. Which is never a good idea. What you can do, however, will, or an animal shelter or Lacal and say to choose a dog, but you will pay the adoption. Adopt rather than buy, you save the life of a stray dog. Moreover, unlike many pet stores (which will only maintain or playing with the puppy that wants to buy about $ 400) is, youth hostels that allow you to take the dog for short walks, playing with the dog and even reach down and shot . When choosing a dog, you can find the perfect for him. If your friend is like my father as a child to go shopping in a candystore with the prospect of being for the dog. "

Good Luck (Shopping is fun dog !!!!!)

stan1881... said...

German Shepherd or Collie

Laurennn... said...

Husky is a ~ love and care! Also are so beautiful! blue eyes are beautiful! Airedale Oy

cady said...

They should never be a matter of life for a birthday or the presence of others, but I recommend Retreiver gold.
They are great dogs.

Greyt-mo... said...

I agree, what a dog is a gift never a recipe for success, and also agree that a shelter dog is always the best idea. I have the first poster who suggested a greyhound answer, they are not aggressive and is not the best dog for people with very active. While dogs are athletes, but the race for 30 seconds (literally) after the train or even on foot, took 48 hours to sleep, because they are too busy. ) Labs, retrievers and terriers (for beginners have the stamina to keep a sporty man.

ursula_h... said...

Get something like a greyhound. A large dog run with a lot of energy. This dog can run and run.

ontario ashley said...

A stray dog! To be single and loving. You can use the little ones, even after 8 weeks of age, if you will. Or if there is too much of a handle, is 4 months old. - protection, research groups and at home in your area.

Sounds like a mix of lab / shepherd mix suited her.

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